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Series: Elements. Original Artworks. These poems were written for these paintings.
Elements of us, elements of the world, world of elements.

Yevgenia Wayne art. Elements.The Earth—First of Four Elements. The Ears. Atlas

                THETA - TIME DECAY

                         by Shawn M. Von. Briesen


         Atlas shrugs as life passes,

         In a Kaleidoscope of blues.

         Stoic and stone faced.

         In Good and Bad news.

         The Watcher sits pensive,

          Collecting its thoughts.

          Defragmenting the mind,

          Deconstructing the flaws.


          A few cracks in his beauty;

          He was flawed from the start.

          At least nothing lasts forever,

          And even the Mona Lisa's falling apart. 



         The Earth

         Acrylic on Canvas 

         Original Work

         16 W x 20 H 


Yevgenia Wayne. Elements. Air.The Air - Second of Four Elements_edited.png

         The Air

         Acrylic on Canvas 

         Original Work

         16 W x 20 H


Yevgenia Wayne Art. Elements.The Fifth Element. Love. Space

       The Fifth Element

         Acrylic on Canvas 

         Original Work

         16 W x 20 H 


Yevgenia Wayne Art. The Fire. The Fire—Fourth of Four Elements .


                              by Stephen Wayne


         Quench the soul, ignite the Spirit

         Restores the fragmented essence

         of being our self.

         Fear not!



    The Fire

     Acrylic on Canvas 

     Original Work

     16 W x 20 H 


Yevgenia Wayne Art. Elements. The Water—Third of Four Elements_edited.png

       The Water

         Acrylic on Canvas 

         Original Work

         16 W x 20 H 


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